Climateways concept for green infrastructure

Did you know that there are natural ways to preserve your urban green space in the long term?

Grey infrastructure

Concrete, asphalt, rails, glass – grey infrastructure can be found everywhere in cities. But green spaces, trees, green roofs and the like are severely limited in their area. Until now, urban vegetation has often been used for optics, but not as one of the most important means of climate adaptation.

City - Nature

City – Nature Due to a low proportion of vegetation in the city, the streets heat up, the air quality deteriorates and the risk of flooding increases. The plants that were planted in the city live in an environment that is foreign to them, in which they are exposed to a variety of vitality-inhibiting factors and cannot be adequately supplied. Not only the structural but also the climatic conditions make optimal growth difficult. Advantages from the vegetation are therefore absent.

Lack of water cycle

Trees evaporate an average of 200 litres of water per day and can significantly reduce the ambient temperature with the help of the resulting evaporative cooling. However, in order for this process to work, the tree must also be provided with this large amount of water. However, since more intense dry phases occur more frequently and water can rarely seep away or be stored so far, there is a lack of water to supply the plants. Instead, these must be artificially irrigated with valuable drinking water. As a result, there is currently no natural water cycle in cities, causing not only higher temperatures, but also higher costs.

Our concept:

With our concept for green infrastructure, we want to better supply the vegetation in the city, as well as restore the natural water cycle. With the help of our innovative ideas, not only can irrigation costs be drastically reduced, but also improved supply and longer lifespan of urban green spaces can be achieved. With our broad expertise, we support you in the appropriate choice of location and the species-specific installation and use of our products and concepts
Our various solutions create the opportunity to improve the urban climate and thus make a targeted contribution to climate change adaptation.
This results in effects such as temperature reduction, air improvement and CO2 uptake, which specifically contribute to adaptation to climate change.


Would you like to learn more about our natural products to promote urban greenery? We will be happy to advise you.

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