CW Stabilizer joint sand for cat’s head paving in Bad Reichenhall - News

Key data of the project

Jointing of cat head paving with Climateways Stabilizer Jointing Sand 0/2

Project duration:



CW Stabilizer joint sand 0/2


Old town, square

About the project

In Bad Reichenhall, we repaved the cat’s head paving around the Florianibrunnen fountain at the end of 2022. This was already laid in towns in the Middle Ages and consists of fist-sized pebbles. An area of 50m2 was grouted with our Climateways Stabilizer joint sand.

The existing material was removed and our Fugensand 0/2 stabilizer was prepared. This was applied and removed with rubber squeegees. Excess material was then taken up and the surface cleaned by the rain, which is harmless due to the purely natural material.

Advantages compared to conventional joint closures:

Climateways Stabilizer Jointing Sand 0/2 is a purely natural product that does not harden completely. The joints are not glued and are therefore reversible and permanently permeable to water. The joints become solid when dry and plastic when wet. This can prevent cracks from forming and relieve the pressure on the sewer system. Our stabilizer jointing sand is easy to maintain and could be installed on the paving surface in just a few steps.

  • Permeable to water
  • Stabilizing
  • Anti-weed
  • Unbound, no sealing
  • No cracking
  • Salt resistant
  • No discoloration of the stones
  • Easy and quick installation
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Reversible at any time

After removing the previous joint material
Application of the Climateways stabilizer joint sand 0/2
Paving surface grouted with Climateways Stabilizer Jointing Sand 0/2

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