About us
Find out more about Climateways
Climateways GmbH is an innovative,
High-performance and sustainable company
for sponge city concepts. To minimize the consequences
to counteract climate change and to protect
To promote nature conservation, we are not only developing
own products, but also design
individual concepts for cities and the countryside
and forestry.
Our mission: Following the example of nature
innovatively and sustainably adapting to climate change
Our concepts include the
Infiltration, storage and
Use of precipitation also and
especially in its change in
Periods and intensity that
Establishment and sustainable
Supply of green infrastructure,
and innovative substrates and
Biostimulants for urban greenery
and agriculture.
In order to offer the broadest possible expertise
is our, about Germany
distributed and experienced team, consisting of employees
various industries. In our own
Research and education center work
our scientists are working on new products. To
to complement our knowledge we cooperate with
Universities and partner companies.
Our focus
Regionality & natural products
The focus is on regional production,
which enables us to reduce transportation costs
and protect the environment. They offer
we offer our customers high-quality and
natural materials.