Our Cw stabilizer joint sand 0/2 in Straubing & Mühldorf - News

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Cw stabilizer joint sand: our water permeabel solution for pavings.


CW Stabilizer joint sand 0/2


Sidewalk, traffic area

Climateways relies on water-permeable road surfaces, even for paved areas.

Increasing heavy rainfall and rising temperatures reinforce the view that something needs to change in our water management in cities. While many cities already use water-permeable path surfaces in parks, on cycle paths or on forest paths, paved surfaces are still frequently sealed. With our Climateways stabilizer joint sand 0/2 made from purely natural materials, we can also unseal these surfaces.

We recently put our product to the test on two trial sites in Straubing and Mühldorf. For this purpose, our product was applied to sidewalks and traffic areas and compared with the sealed surface.

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